Instructions for setting up and running the comment like feature by ID using Ldplayer
Instructions for setting up and running the comment like feature by ID using Ldplayer

Instructions for setting up and running the comment like feature by ID using Ldplayer

5/31/2021 12:18:11 PM
Instructions for setting up and running the comment like feature by ID using Ldplayer
Step 1: Open Fplus > Using LDPlayer > Comment like by ID

Step 2: Choose your account
Click "All" to select all accounts added to the software (Tab: Account Management)
Click "Select account" to select the accounts you want to Comment like by ID on facebook.
Click” select Vm “ to choose the account in the virtual hostname to comment and like 

Step 3: Set up interaction for the account
Option 1: Interaction UID
  • Case 1: tick UID > tick and enter a list of UID to interaction by ID
  • Case 2: Tick interact with each account 1 file ID > select account then click choose file
After choosing settings for your account, set up interactions like like, comment (comment with photo or gif), share wall, share group

Option 2: Interaction PageId
  • Case 1: tick PageId > tick and enter a list of PageId to interaction by ID
  • Case 2: Tick interact with each account 1 file ID > select account then click choose file
After choosing settings for your account, set up interactions like like, comment (comment with photo or gif), share wall, share group

Option 3: Interaction GroupId
  • Case 1: tick GroupId > tick and enter a list of GroupId to interaction by ID
  • Case 2: Tick interact with each account 1 file ID > select account then click choose file
After choosing settings for your account, set up interactions like like, comment (comment with photo or gif), share wall, share group

Option 4: Post link
  • Case 1: tick GroupId > tick and enter a list of link post to interaction by ID
  • Case 2: Tick interact with each account 1 file ID > select account then click choose file
After choosing settings for your account, set up interactions like like, comment (comment with photo or gif), share wall, share group

Option 5: Tick interact post in the newfeed group
The software will only interact with posts in the group's newsfeed
After choosing settings for your account, set up interactions like like, comment (comment with photo or gif), share wall, share group

Option 5: Tick interactive newfeed
The software only interacts in the account's newsfeed
After choosing settings for your account, set up interactions like like, comment (comment with photo or gif), share wall, share group

  • Number accounts / thread: Number of accounts you want to run at the same time
  • Reset Dcom when switching account

 Step 4: Set the time delay and click start



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